Memory concerns are valid and important to examine further. It helps to understand exactly when you might start to see normal age-related memory decline and what qualifies as normal for memory and aging too. The general belief is that memory loss is something that only older adults experience, but the details about what happens and when you might see those changes are a lot different.
Memory Decline Starts Earlier than You Think
Lots of people start to think about memory issues becoming a problem in their 60s or 70s, or even later. But in reality, memory loss can start as early as someone’s 40s. If you have certain risk factors or health issues, you might even start to experience memory loss well before your 40s. This is a situation that can vary widely based on individual circumstances and even on family history.
Normal Memory and Aging vs. More Serious Concerns
While there can be some links between memory loss and serious health concerns like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss doesn’t always mean that there’s a problem. Normal forgetfulness occurs once in a while and does not significantly impact daily life. Having trouble following directions, like with a recipe, or getting lost in familiar places could be signs of bigger concern. The bottom line is that normal memory loss due to aging might leave you forgetting something at the moment but remembering soon after. Truly serious memory concerns are much different.
Managing Memory Issues
Managing memory issues might be easier than you expect. Give yourself a routine and schedule that support your daily tasks and relieve you of having to make a ton of decisions. Spend time with friends and family that you care about and seek out new experiences and new skills. Stick with a healthy diet and do what you can to keep health issues under control.
If you really want to boost your memory, it is time to dial in better sleep. Pay close attention to the finer points of your diet, too, like reducing sugar and salt intake. Support brain health by adding more omega-3 fatty acids to your diet. And look into activities like meditation and mindfulness to help clear your mind. Train your brain like a muscle to help improve memory as well. The more brain games and puzzles you engage in to keep your brain active, the better.
Signs it is Time to Get Help
Still not sure whether it is normal memory loss or a problem? If you are finding yourself making more questionable decisions or losing track of daily activities that have not been a problem before, you may need to talk with your doctor. When memory problems become so severe that they’re impacting your daily life, that is a sign that it is definitely time to get more help with what you are experiencing.
It is never too soon to think about brain health and to do everything that you can to ensure your brain and memory is as strong as possible. Taking action now can have big benefits for you down the road.
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