Are you wanting to improve how your brain works, especially your short term memory? That job might be easier than you think when you incorporate some of these habits into your daily life.
Meditate to Clear Your Thoughts
Your brain never sleeps, even when you are asleep. So, finding ways to help your brain to relax is crucial. Meditation can do that for your brain, but it can feel so difficult. The common advice is to clear your thoughts, but that might not be helpful. Better advice is to observe your thoughts and let them pass by.
Get More and Better Sleep
Sleep is essential to help your brain to process thoughts and memories. If you are getting plenty of sleep, that allows your brain to move memories from short-term storage to long-term storage. When you are deprived of sleep, your brain is not able to do this as efficiently and you start to have trouble with even short-term memories.
Cut Back on Excess Sugar
There is a lot of sugar in places you would not expect to find it. When you eat a lot of sugar, it can lead to chronic health issues and it can affect how well your brain functions. Short-term memory in particular might have more issues if you are eating a lot of excess sugar.
Maybe Cut Back on Alcohol, Too
In moderation, alcohol is not necessarily harmful. It is when you start overconsuming it or using alcohol every day that you can start to experience issues. Cutting back to a drink now and then may help you to see big results in terms of your memory and brain function.
Play Brain Games
Your brain likes to solve puzzles and work through challenges. It is just like when you allow yourself to play in other ways. Whether you love video games, crossword puzzles, or other types of games, whatever you can do that challenges your brain and allows you to have fun at the same time can be a great memory booster.
Move Your Body
Moving your body on a regular basis helps you to have better overall health, including brain health. Your circulation improves and more oxygen gets to the brain, where the brain puts it to good use. Find physical activities that you enjoy and you are going to be much more likely and willing to keep doing them regularly.
Reconsider Your Diet
What do you eat on a regular basis? If you are not concerned about your diet, you might want to shift that mindset a bit. Eating a healthy diet on a routine basis helps your body and your brain to have all the building blocks necessary to keep you healthy physically and mentally. When your body is nutritionally deprived, you may experience trouble with memory and cognition.
Picking and choosing habits you want to try out is never a bad idea. As you find solutions that work for you and that you can incorporate into your life easily, you can always add new habits. Eventually, you will have a solid plan that supports your memory the way you need it to be supported.